Friday, February 25, 2011

My Life

I loved the my life project. It was fun and even easy to do. My mom loved it because it was a cute way to preserve precious memories. She loved it so much that she acutually started crying when she saw it. I loved picking out the music and pictures. I found a lot of old cute pictures that I have not seen in a really long time. I think this project was my favorite I hope that it will continue throughout the next few years of Notre Dame and the laptops. This is a great and very cute project.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Music Genome

I liked this project. One thing I found a little annoying was that no one could have the same genre as the other so if you were at the end of the line for picking genres you normally did not get the one that you wanted which was disappointing. It is okay though because I still got to have some Taylor Swift in mine which was the whole goal. I love music so this project was really cool to go and right up my ally. I am really excited for this next project because I saw some from last trimester and they were very cute and I cant wait until I get to do mine.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Zamzar conversions

I converted all my songs today. Some of those songs included songs from, Bob Dylan, Taylor Swift, and Rossane Cash. They all were good songs and I am excited to put them into my project. I cannot wait till this project is completed because I think they will look really cool and it will be awesome to see other peoples as well. I did not see a difference in zamzar when I was doing this today but maybe it is just me and it was not working well. I cannot wait to see everyone elses projects an. Id learn about all these diffrent music genres. It will be very cool to see.